The Animation & VFX Film making, being a heavily subjective industry, is a niche area where creative and technological experience play a major role to make the ideas and execution as much trouble-free as possible. Hari Varma is equipped with more than two decades of hands-on experience working on many International and Indian projects with various Studios and in collaboration with international studios. He has the much required techno-creative expertise and has strong experience in setting up Studios of different scales. This level of expertise and experience help him to ‘see’ the Studio, the People in it and Projects executed there inside out so that the entities with which he works gets the benefit of all these to build, maintain and succeed in their activities.
Following are the areas wherein Hari Varma can be engaged to utilise his proven experience and expertise in the areas of Animation & VFX Film making involving various international and Indian TV Series as well as Feature Films. Beneficiaries could be any one or more of the entities like INVESTORS – STUDIOS – PRODUCERS – DIRECTORS located outside of India and who needs a representation in India. Sort of “Eyes & Ears” for them.
- Identify the right studio in India for getting specific works done.
- Execute Due Diligence of Indian Studios or Entities on the Creative and Technical prowess.
- Act as the creative supervision link between the Directors abroad and the team in India
- Identify and assess the creative and production capacity studios that can execute projects from abroad.
- Help entities abroad to set up their shop in collaboration with Indian entities.
- Institute proper creative communication channel/process so that the creative ideas are translated without dilution.
- Setting up Micro, Small, Medium and Large Size Animation/VFX Studios..
- Setting up Development Unit for Film, TV Series & Ads.
- Setting up Organization for Animated Feature Film Pre-production, Production & Post-production.
- Setting up Organization for Animated TV Series Pre-production, Production & Post-production.
- Identifying and connecting with the right directors abroad.
- Act as a medium for effective techno-creative communication between Producers/Directors/Clients abroad and the Indian Studio.
- Play the role of Supervising Director for various Projects to ensure that the Show Directors stick to the essential rules which helps the Shows to be something the studio or the Director would be proud of.
- Ensure that there is a style set for each show and then guide the Director to make that work Technically and Creatively.
- Ensure the effective Creative Communication within the Team.
- Setting up reviewing system between the Indian studio and the entities abroad.
- Establish Creative Communication processes between the Indian Techno-creative Team and their counterparts abroad.
- Creative Communication between Creative Head-Clients.
- Analysing and setting right, Process issues in show execution.
- Help to set quality Benchmark as per the vision of the Director/s abroad for a Series or Feature based on the time and budget.
- Analysing & Trouble-shooting of creative crises and processes bottlenecks in Projects.
- Analysing & Trouble-shooting of technical issues in Projects.